Hella and thank you for sharing this great article! I also think that happiness is more important then swimming in money :) Having some is good though :) My husband is going to stay at home from work to see our lovely daughter grow and also because I'm starting working part time again soon. I think we already prepared everything very well. I'm very excited actually! As we are using https://myorganicformula.com/collections/holle-organic-formula anyways at least the feeding will be no problem. I like your blog really a lot and would love to hear about your experience once you started working again. Thanks, Sandy
Hella and thank you for sharing this great article! I also think that happiness is more important then swimming in money :) Having some is good though :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband is going to stay at home from work to see our lovely daughter grow and also because I'm starting working part time again soon. I think we already prepared everything very well. I'm very excited actually! As we are using https://myorganicformula.com/collections/holle-organic-formula anyways at least the feeding will be no problem.
I like your blog really a lot and would love to hear about your experience once you started working again.
Thanks, Sandy